Sunday, March 27, 2011

Things start moving on the Mile

So the great folks from the Columbus Brewing Company are opening a new restaurant or the banks of the Scioto River.  It is in what was the Bicentennial Park and now is the Scioto Mile.  We picked up the "Mile", and named the restaurant Milestone 229. I am Christian and I am going to be the Chef.  I am also going to keep track of things as we get moving on construction, setting up the menu and wine, figure out if we will be able to get a pizza oven to fit, and all the other trial and tribulations of opening a restaurant.

Here are some photos where we are now.

 Standing at COSI looking across the Scioto.  The Restaurant is the oval building in the center.  To the left is a new bridge being built.  It looks like the bridge will run right into the restaurant but it turns off to the left right at the end.  The Scioto is also really high in this photo. It has been raining like crazy the past month.

I love the windows.  Floor to ceiling 30 ft high going all the way around.One of these windows will have to come out in order to get the pizza oven in there.  It is like 70 inches in diameter and weighs 5000lbs.

This shows both the beautiful wood ceiling and the patio as well. 

The restaurant looks pretty small.  The designers say it is always that way and that when we get everything in there we will be surprised at how much space there really is.  You can also see a chunk of the patio here. 

I was standing in the fountain here.  You can see the patio on the left the restaurant on the right.  This gives you a great perspective how dynamic and striking the building is.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christian,

    Congratulations on this start up! It sounds like it's going to be a great addition to downtown.

    I eat vegan, so I won't partake of your Mac n' Cheese, but if you get that pizza oven to fit, I'll be in for a veggie flatbread and Columbus Pale Ale asap.

    Best of luck,

    Amy Brennick
    COO Betty's Family of Restaurants
